Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Diablo III Impressions Round Up

I think I can speak for everyone here at The Gaming Nook when I say we're thoroughly enjoying our Diablo III experience with the exception of the server and DRM issues that is plaguing the game launch. We'll have some deep content regarding our thoughts on the game soon but for now feel free to check out some other's impressions of the game so far.

In a rare occurrence the professional enthusiast press had to wait to play the game until official release just like the rest of us peons. I find this to be a positive thing as they get to experience the pains and frustrations of regular consumers that they may not have otherwise if they were all allowed to play through the game a week ago.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun has some very specific opinions about their frustrations and the gameplay and you can find IGN's ongoing review in progress venting a bit as well. There seems to be a general feeling of cognitive dissonance amongst both the player base and press as they deal with having to experience server issues in their fantastic single player experience. Also for a good (informative) laugh check out GiantBomb's video of the launch day.

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